How to Email your PitchHub Videos

Benjamin Norton Updated by Benjamin Norton

Note: Videos are typically much too large file sizes to email to others. Often you send an email with a hyperlink to the video or show a photo in the email that also links to the video hosted elsewhere online. Below are some ways you can share videos to people via email.

PitchHub Thumbnails

  1. You can download video thumbnails directly inside PitchHub Studio to be added into emails. To learn to set and create a thumbnail click here.
    1. Once inside your project, click the video you want to share
    2. In the dropdown menu next to the Download , Click Downloads & Exports
    3. Under Downloads click Thumbnail download, and it will download to your computer/device often in the Downloads or Desktop folder.
    4. Now you have an image to add to an email and link to your video.

Screenshots for Thumbnails

  1. Once inside your project, click the video you want to share from the Media area.
  2. While the video player window is open, play the video to any moment in it and pause it, with a Play Button over it, then create a screenshot of this.
    1. MAC - press Shift + Command + 4 and drag a box around the video image
  3. Now you have an image for your emails to link to.

Adding Images into Email (Gmail)

  1. Open a new email in Gmail.
    1. Click into the Body of the email and select the Insert Photo option the little box with mountains option. Select the thumbnail image
  2. Now you can resize the image click and drag the corners to resize it
  3. Now go to where ever you have your video hosted, Youtube, a blog or on PitchHub, copy that hyperlink
    1. In PitchHub under Downloads & Exports, click Exports, select 1 of 2 options
      1. MP4 video link, click copy for a full screen video window
      2. Video Player Hosted Page (5th option), click Copy
  4. Go back to Gmail and now highlight the image with your cursor mouse and then click the Insert link icon, to the right of the paper clip icon
    1. The insert link icon is to the right of the paper clip icon, a chain link, or select Command + K (Mac)
  5. This will link the thumbnail image to the link you specified
    1. Now simply select your email Recipients and create a compelling Subject line with the word Video in it, as this helps email open rates. Write a message or simply write, click to watch my video.
    2. The recipient will be directed off email to a website, Youtube or PitchHub link such as this one.
  6. You can forward this email to individuals or BCC entire groups, or use this same process for your email marketing platform of choice.

Adding Images into Email (Outlook)

  1. Open a new compose email in Outlook
  2. Click the body of the email and click the toolbar for Insert Picture from File
  3. Select the thumbnail image to add into the body of the email.
  4. Now highlight with your cursor and mouse the photo in the body of the email, now click the chain link icon to add a hyperlink (just to the right of the photo insert icon)
  5. Add To: recipients and a compelling subject line also, or use the BCC field for a large group of emails.

For more assistance please email:

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Posting a video to Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram IGTV
